Tuesday 5 January 2021

HH Geevarghese II / Dr. Paulose Mar Gregorios Metropolitan

“Kallasseril Bava (His Holiness Baselios Geevarghese II Catholicose and Malankara Metropolitan) was a Metropolitan whom I respected most. He was a spiritual man to the core. When His Holiness makes entry into the Holy Altar, we realize that Thirumeni sees God. His Holiness was extremely conscious that he was standing before God. He was a Metropolitan who led a holy life being aware of presence of God….For the right progress of our Church, we must have Metropolitans like these. On the other hand, the notion that Metropolitans are symbols of power and authority, have established lots of institutions, have constructed many buildings (I too have constructed a few buildings) are all senseless. These do not stand as their positives.

When they stand before God at the end, there would not be any queries about the number of buildings constructed. The main thing is your spiritual life must be a life of prayer for all the community and you must be a symbol of the presence of Christ. Life of Metropolitans must be such that the believers feel presence of Christ in them. Priests also should be partakers in this experience. Believers must have the feeling of Christ when they see a priest. This is very important. When there are priests and Metropolitans possessing holiness and love, Church progresses. Church can have no progress with buildings, money or structure. Spiritual quality is what counts.”

(Ref: A Pilgrimage to The Light, Joice Thottackad, Nov 2018, Gregory of India Study Circle, Pg 405)

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